Klaus Guntermann:


:  > I've added code for some commands below.
: Thank you for answering this and for the command list.
: Are there any objections to publish that on the web page?

Not at all. Feel free to put them there.

I've added three example below which may helpful.
(They may also give an idea as to why I posed my
question about \pause{nr}{..} :-)

I've only used pp4 for a few days yet but find it very useful.


Marc van Dongen
     Marc van Dongen, CS Dept | phone:   +353 21 903578
University College Cork, NUIC | Fax:     +353 21 903113
  College Road, Cork, Ireland | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

\foilhead{Splitting up the Problem}

      \sum^{n}_{i=1} i = \pause
      \underbrace{0 + 1}_{\mathop{sum}_1} \pause
                    + 2}_{\mathop{sum}_2} \pause
                    + 3}_{\mathop{sum}_3} \pause
           + \ldots + (n-1)}_{\mathop{sum}_{n-1}} \pause
                    + n}_{\mathop{sum}_n}

\foilhead{Towards the Algorithm}

     We have reduced the original problem to a sequence of
      assignments of the form
         {\mathop{sum}}_{0} & = & 0 \\ \pause
         {\mathop{sum}}_{1} & = & 1 + {\mathop{sum}}_0 \\ \pause
         {\mathop{sum}}_{2} & = & 2 + {\mathop{sum}}_1 \\ \pause
         \vdots & = & \vdots \\ \pause
         {\mathop{sum}}_{n} & = & n + {\mathop{sum}}_{n-1}

\foilhead{A Simulation of the Events}

           & $\mathop{sum}_{i-1}$
           & $\mathop{sum}_{i} = \mathop{sum}_{i-1} + i$ \\ \pause
       $1$ \pause
           & $0$\pause
           & $1$ \\ \pause
       $2$ \pause
           & $1$ \pause
           & $3$ \\ \pause
       $3$ \pause
           & $3$ \pause
           & $6$ \\ \pause
       $4$ \pause
           & $6$ \pause
           & $10$ \\ \pause
       \vdots & \vdots & \vdots \\ \pause
       $n-1$ \pause
           & $\sum^{n-2}_{i=1} i$ \pause
           & $\sum^{n-1}_{i=1} i$ \\ \pause
       $n$ \pause
           & $\sum^{n-1}_{i=1} i$ \pause
           & $\sum^{n}_{i=1} i$

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