Make sure that you are using the latest version of ppower4. Just
updating the style files is not sufficient. Check the output of
ppower4 --version
It should be at least


Patrick Riley
Fourth Year Ph.D. Student                                 
Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University

Jenny Bryan writes:
 > Hello Thomas,
 > Thanks for the suggestion.  I have tried it -- it resembles the fixes I
 > tried before -- but have no success.  The footer still appears as the
 > last page element.  No matter what.
 > Is there anything I could do, e.g. generate and attach a log file, that
 > would make it easier for someone to diagnose the problem?
 > Thanks again,
 > Jenny Bryan, Ph.D.
 > *-------------------------------------------------------------*
 > * Assistant Professor            |            Biostatistician *
 > * Biotechnology Laboratory and   |   Genome BC Array Facility *
 > *   Department of Statistics     |           Prostate Center, *
 > * University of British Columbia | Vancouver General Hospital *
 > *-------------------------------------------------------------*
 > 333-6356 Agricultural Road           tel:   604.822.6422
 > Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2 Canada         fax:   604.822.6960
 >   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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