
  I am striking again. Preparing some graphics include via multiinclude
  had lines changing color when the first graphics is not erased
  (default). Since ppower4 compresses the PDF, I cannot debug this
  (even though I can read PDF files). Sample files are available on
  request. I will not include these since I presume attachments are
  frown upon on the mailing-list.

  See http://jcdubacq.free.fr/tmp/final.pdf for the error (pages 43 and
  following) and compare with the original slide01.pdf (not compressed
  for debugging purposes) http://jcdubacq.free.fr/tmp/slide01.pdf

  Btw, the effect I get is not ugly, it is mainly unexpected and

  And thanks for the great program, it is a real pleasure to get
  something with this. I am thinking to do my own themeable slide
Jean-Christophe Dubacq

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