Bear with me a little longer, please.

I feel that VFP is wounded, nobody is learning it anymore...

I could write a Dabo app for the desktop and it would access data on a server 
over the Internet.
In due time i would have a rich environment "my way", right ?

But to access the data from a browser i should, still using Python, write an 
app just for that.
This "browser app" could be anything(simpler or not) i want it to be, right ?


>> Let me see if i get this straight, Dabo is more like a "desktop app",
>    Dabo *is* a desktop app framework. We created it because we wanted to 
>continue to develop apps as we had with VFP, but using Python instead, and not 
>locked into Windows. Dabo creates apps that run unmodified on Windows, Mac and 
>> but it will not provide
>> near as much a rich environment as VFP, right ?
>    The DaboUI is based on the wxPython toolkit, and it has a very rich set of 
>> So, i should have a desktop app w all the whistles and a not so great app to 
>> access the data
>> from the Internet, right ?
>    Depends on what you mean by "access the data". Do you mean that you want 
>to run your app from anywhere using a web browser? Then no, that's not what 
>Dabo does. Do you mean that you want to have your data on a server that 
>desktop apps all over the world can access over the internet? Then yes, Dabo 
>is perfect for that.
>-- Ed Leafe

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