>>you have to make a connection to an ODBC database and have scripts (select 
>>statements) to pull data back to VFP.  You
will also need update and insert scripts as well to save data.<<

Not always true. Once you establish a connection you can make remote views. 
With remote views you USE to open the
cursor, and to update and insert all you need is APPEND BLANK and REPLACE, with 
a common TABLEUPDATE(). VFP builds all
the code to do the update in MySQL behind the scenes. Similar with 

Not everyone lives in the world of SQL Passthrough.

And don't even think about pulling out some performance non-sense. It might 
have been true in the 1990s, but for
standard CRUD operations a lot of the time they are so close humans cannot tell 
the difference.

White Light Computing, Inc.


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