1.  Obama is on the side of the Muslim Arabs, they paid for his education, he 
bows to his masters in public.

2.  Obama has been taught to hate Israel from the time he was a very young boy. 

3.  Obama is the AntiChrist describe by Saint John the Divine of Patmos and  

4.  There is no way to stop this, it is written so shall it be done.   

----- Original Message -----
From: Charlie Coleman <colem...@acm.org>
To: pro...@mail.leafe.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2012 8:39 PM
Subject: [OT] Some things to expect

Well, I was waiting for the flood of post-election emails to die down but 
things are happening so fast that my predictions may turn into yesterday's news.

As soon as I heard Obama won the election, I predicted trouble for the 
mid-East. And that it'll eventually spill over into the rest of the world.

We know that Obama is no friend of Israel. He skipped the nation on his visit 
to the mid-East where he stopped in almost every neighboring Arab nation. They 
definitely took notice of that. And Obama's overtures to Islamic states, and 
his lack of action when US citizens are attacked will continue to embolden them.

So where is this headed? Maybe something like this:
- Arab states now see the US as backing away from Israel. After all, we 
re-elected Obama and it's pretty clear he prefers Islamic nations over Israel.
- Arab factions may start something against Israel. The intent would be to 
provoke Israel into military action. It may not be an outright attack, it could 
be simply spreading rumors or threats.
- Israel will take military action against the Arabs. It may be small, directed 
attacks at first. This could be strikes into the closest danger  to Israel 
(e.g. Gaza) or even over into Iran (nuclear facilities).
- Because of the "terrible militant Jews" the Arab world will attempt to rally 
the United Nations against Israel because of those strikes. Not necessarily to 
actually get action, but to at least stall the larger powers from getting 
involved in the upcoming war.
- At this point, if they think the timing is right, the Arab nations will 
launch an attack against Israel. But it may not be the typical conventional 
attack - it may be masses of terrorist attacks. And Israel will of course 
escalate its responses.
- If Iran or another Arab nation has a nuclear device, they will use it. It may 
be small - and they may actually detonate it outside Israel's border because of 
tight security. The desire would be to kill as many Jews as possible with 
radioactive fallout.
- But if a nuclear device is used against Israel, we can expect a massive 
nuclear retaliation. Probably in Mecca and Medina at least, and then going 
after military capacity.

That's what it looks like from my chair. Of course, the Arabs may go for a 
conventional type war as they've done before if they don't have the nuclear 
bomb yet. If they go that route they'll very likely get pasted like they always 
were in the past by Israel. But the Arabs may hope that they'll get support 
from Russia/China and could win by attrition if the US won't come to Israel's 

Now the rest of the world will get into the mix one way or another because of 
the oil supply. Russia/China may even go so far as to help the Arabs get the 
nuclear bomb for a promise of future oil. And if Russia/China think they can 
get the Arabs to oil-starve the US, all the better. In the United States, as 
the situation gets worse, our gas prices will go through the roof. This will 
send our economy into a severe downturn like it did a while back when gas 
prices rose sharply. And in our already weakened state, we're going to be in 
rough shape. The Obama administration may take advantage of that situation to 
"take control" of the oil industry (not likely as most people should definitely 
see that as an attack on our economic system - but then we've been pretty blind 
to what he's done already <shrug>). This will contribute to us essentially 
ignoring Israel and the growing mid-East crisis.

I was thinking about writing this note last Friday but got side-tracked. And 
now today I hear that Israel has performed surgical strikes into Gaza. They 
killed the leader of the terrorist group there - Hamas I think it's called. And 
now, of course, the Arabs are trying to incite themselves against Israel. 
Things are in motion. Of course the timing isn't certain. There could be all 
kinds of posturing and secret deals for months or a couple years. And I've 
heard rumors that Israel has found large oil reserves on it's land. If that's 
true you can bet the Arab countries will not sit by and let Israel develop into 
a major oil producing nation. It looks like the stage for the final showdown 
has been set.


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