I meant to put Java/Javascript not just Java as even though they are mututally 
exclusive they do bear a common heritage. I must admit I quite like Titanium 
but the problem I have with most new development systems and that includes 
Apple iOS is that the HUGE frameworks around them make the simple task of 
generating a few data entry screens with database a major undertaking in terms 
of effort and understanding of how these frameworks work. 

OK, we have all been spoilt by VFP which I feel is STILL the easiest Data 
centric RAD to use bar none so where are the substitutes for our beloved 
product? I still believe that porting some version of VFP like syntax onto 
Android/iOS would have masses of developers using it - then again, maybe ease 
of use doesn't help the software houses that have a vested interest in making 
development difficult!

Anyway, all I can say is that  I have accomplished more in 2 days  using B4A 
than I did with Titanium in 3 weeks - and it works, i.e job done, installed now 
move onto the next task.

Current RAD development tools should be renamed VSAD (Very Slow Application 
Development) for many of the current platforms. I haven't got time or energy to 
plough through masses of documentation/framework design. I simply want to code 
solid reliable apps and get them out to the user/customer.


-----Original Message-----
From: ProFox [] On Behalf Of Alan Bourke
Sent: 14 December 2012 10:26
Subject: Re: [NF] Android Development

They are all, ultimately, based on Java. However you might not have to do your 
development in Java. For example, Titanium development is all done in 
JavaScript using an IDE which is a customised version of Eclipse. And as any 
fule kno, JavaScript != Java.

[excessive quoting removed by server]

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