My quick comment: I only use grids to DISPLAY data, not for any data-entry or data-edits. No way. I think I got burned on that long ago and said "never again."

Grids had a lot of flaky behavior back in VFP 6, when I got started with Foxpro.

I agree with you that grids should never be used to edit data. Regardless of whether they *can* be used for that purpose, it's not good design. It's way too easy for a user who is not paying attention to edit the wrong row and mess things up. Most GUI design gurus will tell you, never use a control that displays multiple narrow rows of records to edit data.

Controls that present data in that way should only be used as picklists. Pick a record and put its contents into individual editing controls. Press an "ENTER" button to clear the controls and update the list.

Because of this design principle, and the flakiness of grids, and the fact that grids, even though they have been improved, still can't do some things that listboxes can do, I created a listbox class that does almost everything a grid can do. It has column header buttons that can be used to sort the list; individually resizeable columns; column lines that always run the full height of the list, optional horizontal lines between rows (a bit dicey, that one), full multi-select capabilty that works not only with the mouse but with the keyboard, and several other features.

I always use arrays for the rowsource too, so the data displayed in the list can be fully encapsulated within the list control.

Ken Dibble

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