Hi Thierry,

I thought the same thing at first until I read that ADDITIVE clause. Still applies to bloat concern??


On 2014-08-11 11:50, Thierry Nivelet wrote:
Hi Rafael:

You may want to avoid memo bloat:

replace curList.pv_mo with '';
    + Replicate('*',100) + Chr(13);
    + Ttoc(Datetime())  + Chr(13);
    + Replicate('*',100) + Chr(13);
    + ''  additive

each REPLACE increases the .fpt size

Thierry Nivelet
Give your VFP app a second life in the cloud

Le 11/08/14 17:32, Rafael Copquin a écrit :
I'm having a Monday morning memory lapse.

I have this memo field with text inside.

I need to add a time stamp and additional text and I do it thus:

With thisform.edit1
     .enabled = .t.
     replace curList.pv_mo with Replicate('*',100) + Chr(13) additive
     replace curList.pv_mo with Ttoc(Datetime())   + Chr(13) additive
     replace curList.pv_mo with Replicate('*',100) + Chr(13) additive
     replace curList.pv_mo with ''  additive

However, the cursor is placed at the _top_ of the memo field and I want it to be placed at the _very bottom_, so the user can start adding text in the normal way

How is this done please?

Rafael Copquin

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