FoxPro is faster than you think.

REPLACE ALL (placeholderfield) WITH RECNO()

is practically instantaneous, for reasonable values of instant.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Rafael Copquin <>

> I am pulling a set of records from a big table, based on a filter
> condition in the select statement.
> I also want to create a field with the sequential number of those records.
> Example:
> select *, (function to number records) as recnbr from bigtable where
> filtercondition into cursor curFiltered readwrite
> What I need is a function or method to fill the recnbr field with
> sequential numbers, starting at 1 such that the resulting filtered set
> looks like:
> coname            city                  recnbr
> Widgets inc     New York            1
> John Doe's       New York            2
> etc
> The filter is the city (New York) and the table has more than one million
> records
> I know I could select the recnbr field as zero and then use a scan endscan
> construct to replace it with the numbers, like
> nRec = 0
> select curFiltered
> scan all
>        nRec = nRec + 1
>        replace recnbr with nRec
> endscan
> But I wonder if it would not be much faster if the record numbers came
> directly calculated in the select statement
> Rafael Copquin
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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