I tried the solutions suggested here, (yours Ted and others) Instantaneous means less than one second. This is for showing, at the end of each record, the record number as a page number like this:

page 245 of 1234987

As the user navigates the table up or down, top or bottom, the "page" number (really the record in the order it appears) would be shown.

I solved it thus:

Select * from bigtable where (filter condition) order by compname into cursor curFiltered readwrite

I chose not to create an empy placeholderfield, because I found it is not necessary. Instead I wrote four methods in my form: movetop,movebottom,moveprevious,movenext, like this:

**movetop method   (triggered by home key)
select curFiltered
go top
thisform.nRecNo = 1

** movebottom method     (triggered by end key)
select curFiltered
go bottom
thisform.nRecNo = reccount('curFiltered')

**movenext method     ( triggered by page down key)
select curFiltered

 if not eof()
     thisfor.nRecNo = thisform.nRecNo + 1
     if eof()
         Go bottom
         thisform.nRecNo = Reccount('curList')
     go top
     thisform.nRecNo = 1

**moveprevious method    (triggered by pageup key)

similar to movenext but skip -1 and bof() instead of eof()

and in the method that shows the label Page NN of XX I simply show thisform.nRecNo

It is a very simple and superfast approach.

BTW, I found that if the filter condition uses LIKE instead of = it goes much faster.

select * from clients where alltrim(city) = 'SAN ANTONIO' took 1.872 seconds
select * from clients where alltrim(city) like 'SAN ANTONIO%' took 0.219 seconds select * from clients where alltrim(city) like 'SAN ANTONIO' took 0.202 seconds

That table has 887084 records and it has 44 fields. The city field is indexed on alltrim(city)

Notice that if I remove the % at the end of the LIKE clause, it is even faster.

I wonder why the LIKE clause is faster than the = operator

Rafael Copquin

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