Why not rent when you need the vehicle as in your expample, not your
personal life.

To me the vehicle is freedom.  I don't like the cruise experience because I
have to give up all freedom of coming and going when I want to.  Having an
app on my phone is just intrusive to my life.  I need to get to the store
because I need two ingredients from the international food store for some
chili for this weekend.  I don't want to get a ride there and have to wait
for a second ride back.  My time is too valuable waiting for a cab by any
other name.

On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 4:18 AM, Ed Leafe <e...@leafe.com> wrote:

> On Nov 10, 2017, at 8:22 PM, Alan Bourke <alanpbou...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> >
> > I doubt we'll see widespread adoption of fully autonomous road vehicles
> > in any of our lifetimes. Even if the tech problems were solved, which
> > they are far from being despite the hype, I'm still unclear as to what
> > problem it would solve. Road deaths? I suspect putting the money into
> > driver education and enforcement would yield better returns.  About the
> > only sensible application I can see is for disabled people.
> Think of it as mass transit that is tailored to each person’s needs. Buses
> and trains are OK, but they only go to certain places at certain times.
> What if I have an opportunity to work somewhere, but it is a bit far away
> and I don’t have enough money to own a car. A system of state-owned
> autonomous cars would mean that I could get a ride to and from work when I
> need to go, and only pay for that, instead of having to buy an entire car
> for myself. Or perhaps I’m old and the only market I can walk to is
> expensive and has a terrible selection. With autonomous cars, I could be
> driven to a much better market without having to pay for exorbitant taxi
> fees.
> Those are just examples I made up just now. Personally, I own a car, but
> since I work from my home, I rarely need it. Most of the time it sits in
> the driveway, and is only used when I have to go somewhere. I would much
> prefer to pull up an app on my phone, get picked up and taken to my
> destination, and would gladly pay what that would cost. It would be much,
> much cheaper than having to shell out the huge down payment and significant
> monthly payments on my car, as well as the several thousand dollars of
> insurance I pay each year just to have that car available when I need it.
> Fortunately for me I earn enough to afford such luxury, but not everyone is
> as fortunate as I am.
> -- Ed Leafe
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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