On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 7:28 AM Ted Roche <tedro...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> They are asking me to propose what I think is the best option.
And I want to go back and hammer on this point one more time: they are
asking you to tell them, for free, what they should spend the next decade
doing. They are asking for consulting for free. They may not even have a
guy that's retiring, they just want 30 experts to come in and tell them,
FOR FREE, what they should be doing next. Then, they can send the
30-years-experience guy to school for the new thing, and look how much
money they save!

No work on spec.

YOUR job , in the interview, is to convince them that you are the person
qualified to work for them to answer that question. You show them that by
asking more questions about the application than they can answer to show
that you see the need to plan ahead, analyse the situation, research and
design the optimal solution. Prove that you are qualified in the interview.
Then, they can hire you to solve their problems.

As a consultant, I have had to fall back to the line that "I can only give
advice as part of client-consultant contractual relationship."

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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