If you want to use Outlook:

loMsg = loOutlook.CreateItem(0)
loMsg.BodyFormat= 2                                                           
&& olFormatHTML
loMsg.HtmlBody="<p>HTML body text</p>"
loMsg.Body = "Plain body text for clients without HTML mail support."
loMsg.Attachments.Add("attach1.txt", 1)
loMsg.Attachments.Add("attach2.txt", 1)
loMsg.Attachments.Add("attach3.txt", 1)

    llSent = loMsg.Send()
Catch to loException
    && handle it
    release loMsg
    release loOutlook


There are some drawbacks to this. 

- Despite it sending via Outlook, you will find that any Outlook signatures or 
stationery that would normally apply won't get used on the programmatically 
created message. 

- You may find that the dread Outlook security message ('A program is trying to 
send mail on your behalf...') will crop up, depending on Outlook and Exchange 
Server version.

  Alan Bourke
  alanpbourke (at) fastmail (dot) fm

On Wed, 21 Aug 2019, at 5:22 AM, MB Software Solutions, LLC wrote:
> VFP9SP2 app
> Customer uses Outlook and wants the app to generate an email to a given 
> email address from the app AND attach certain documents to it.  Customer 
> will preview it and then manually hit "Send" on their own.
> What's the BEST (and hopefully easiest) way to implement this? Invoke 
> Outlook via CREATEOBJECT and set properties and attachments 
> accordingly?  Typically in the past I've used MAILTO and ShellExec but 
> this time the extra requirement is to have files attached from the 
> application too, which makes MAILTO not an option, if I understand 
> correctly.
> tia,
> --Mike
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> https://www.avast.com/antivirus
[excessive quoting removed by server]

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