This morning I've been doing some refactoring (I use that term loosely) and
listening to some guys talk in one of the rooms at Virtual Fox Fest. I'm
splitting long lines and cleaning up comments, etc in vscode then switching
over to VFP (Version 6 still I am ashamed to say) and compiling the prg to
make sure I'm not getting any errors. I was thinking it would be convenient
if I could make VFP compile the file I'm working on when I save it and then
maybe have something look for ERR files to show up and send me a
notification if it does. Does anyone have any experience doing something
like this? I'd be willing to put some time into the tooling to do this.
Seems like it is possible. I do realize I'd get a little more syntax
checking with VFP6 and a lot more with VFP9, but I am more used to the text
manipulation in vscode. Maybe I am just dreaming!

Jeff Roberts |

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