I'm trying to substitute an empty string when a derived field returns None 

In VFP 9 I can do it like this:

artfield = '(SELECT ICASE(musPerfs.arttype == "P", ' ;
             + 'ALLTRIM(musPeople.firstname) + " " 
+  ALLTRIM(musPeople.lastname), ' ;
             + 'musPerfs.arttype == "B", ' ;
             + 'musBands.bandname," ") ' ;
             + 'FROM musPerfs ' ;
             + 'JOIN musPeople ON musPeople.pkid = musPerfs.artid ' ;
             + 'JOIN musBands ON musBands.pkid = musPerfs.artid ' ;
             + 'WHERE musPerfs.songid = musSongs.pkid)'

thequery = 'SELECT musSongs.song, IIF(ISNULL(' + artfield + '),"", ' ;
             + artfield + ') AS artist ' ;
             + 'FROM musSongs ' ;
             + 'JOIN musPerfs ON musPerfs.songid = musSongs.pkid ' ;
             + 'JOIN musRecs ON musRecs.perfid = musPerfs.pkid ' ;
             + 'ORDER BY song, artist'

That query works fine in VFP.

However, when I try to do the equivalent thing in MySQL, as follows, I get 
a SQL syntax error:

artfield = '(SELECT CASE musPerfs.arttype WHEN "P" ' ;
                  + 'THEN CONCAT(musPeople.firstname," 
",musPeople.lastname) ' ;
                  + 'WHEN "B" THEN musbands.bandname ELSE " " END ' ;
                  + 'FROM musPerfs ' ;
                  + 'JOIN musPeople ON musPeople.pkid = musPerfs.artid ' ;
                  + 'JOIN musBands ON musBands.pkid = musPerfs.artid ' ;
                  + 'WHERE musPerfs.songid = musSongs.pkid)'

thequery = 'SELECT musSongs.songname, CASE IFNULL(' + artField + ') THEN " 
" ELSE '  ;
                  + artField + ' END '  ;
                  + 'AS artist, '  ;
                  + 'musRecs.pkid '  ;
                  + 'FROM musSongs '  ;
                  + 'JOIN musPerfs ON musPerfs.songid = musSongs.pkid '  ;
                  + 'JOIN musRecs ON musRecs.perfid = musPerfs.pkid '  ;
                  + 'ORDER BY songname, artist'

The query works fine if I don't try to use the IFNULL() substitution, so 
it's not the use of double quote delimiters in MySQL.

It doesn't matter whether I use the artfield variable or write the whole 
subquery out twice. I still get:

"'You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds 
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ') THEN " " 
ELSE (SELECT CASE musPerfs.arttype WHEN "P" THEN CONCAT(musPeople.fir' at 
line 1')"

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.

Ken Dibble

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