On 6/20/07, Jeff Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks for your help.  I got the file from my ISP.  I love my ISP because I
> just happen to be married to her (literally!)

I've always been worried about being married to one ISP. Glad it works
for you ;)

> The real point is that no matter how experienced I am with email (my ICQ
> number is 213663 and I was using 1200 baud to access CompuServe, so I have
> been at this for a while);

Bah. We've got geezers here. I wired up Bell 102 modems to connect
colleges to the ARPANET. And there are a few year with a decade on me.

>  Outlook has determined that their own product -
> Access - is so potentially dangerous that they are not going to allow it on
> my computer.

Well, they are pretty dangerous. What's worse is all of the files it
lets through!

> I downloaded Thunderbird last week but haven't moved over to it yet.  I
> guess I will make the move sooner than later.

I'm still running, waiting for my package manager to offer
the 2.0 version. I understand there's a lot of nice new features.

Ted Roche
Ted Roche & Associates, LLC

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