Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
> By the way.... What the HELL is a 'line item veto'?
In U.S. politics, a bill has to be either signed by the President, or 
vetoed.  *In it's entirety.*  Everything in the bill passes, or nothing 
in the bill passes.  Because of this, Congress will often try to put 
additional items that they know the President will oppose into a bill 
that contains items they know he wants passed.  The hope is (and it 
often works out) that the President will sign the bill anyway, just to 
get his items in.  Sometimes he won't, as has happened recently with 
line items regarding a timetable to withdraw from Iraq.

As the Mad-man has pointed out, often these are just pork barrel items, 
not too injurious.  However, as just noted, sometimes they're important, 
as in the afore mentioned timetable.

A Line-item veto, which has been on the wish list of every U.S. 
President since Washington, would give the President the power to 
approve or veto items within a bill on an item-by-item basis.  
Obviously, this would remove a tool from Congress, and give more power 
to the President.

The argument of those in favor of it, are that it would give a noble, 
visionary, powerful, righteous leader, such as our current President, 
the power to overcome an obstinate and short-sighted congress, for the 
betterment of the U.S.

The argument of those opposed to it, such as myself, are that it would 
give a congenital idiot, such as our current President, the power to run 
roughshod over the only power capable of possibly standing between him 
and the destruction of the U.S.

In reality, it's a moot point.  Congress would have to approve it, and 
the odds of that happening are only slightly better then the odds of  
the Mad-inator being the Grand Marshall of the Gay Pride March on the 
Frozen Fields of Hell.

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