Hi folks,

Given tables:


entid   entname
12      Jeanne Blow
29      Karen & Keith Johnson

entid    peoid  peotype   memstatus
12       12358       P            C           (Jeanne)
29        12127     P              C          (Karen)
29        441        P              C          (Keith)

entid    dontype
12       deposit
29        deposit

entid   entinter
12       consumer
29       consumer

Why does this query:

SELECT donents.theid, donents.entname FROM entmems, donents, donates INTO 
CURSOR temppks WHERE (entmems.entid = donents.theid AND entmems.peotype == 
"P" AND entmems.memstatus == "C") AND (donates.entid = donents.theid AND 
((UPPER(ALLTRIM(donates.dontype)) == "DEPOSIT"))) AND entint.entid = 
donents.theid AND (NOT EMPTY(entint.entinter)) AND 
((UPPER(ALLTRIM(entint.entinter)) == "CONSUMER"))

produce the undesired result:

theid    entname
29        Karen & Keith Johnson
29        Karen & Keith Johnson
29        Karen & Keith Johnson
29        Karen & Keith Johnson

but this query:

SELECT donents.theid, donents.entname FROM donents JOIN entmems ON 
(donents.theid = entmems.entid AND entmems.peotype == "P" AND 
entmems.memstatus == "C") JOIN donates ON (donates.entid = donents.theid 
AND ((UPPER(ALLTRIM(donates.dontype)) == "DEPOSIT"))) JOIN entint ON 
(entint.entid = donents.theid AND (NOT EMPTY(entint.entinter)) AND 
((UPPER(ALLTRIM(entint.entinter)) == "CONSUMER"))) INTO CURSOR temppks

produces the desired result:

12 Jeanne Blow
29 Karen & Keith Johnson
29 Karen & Keith Johnson
29 Karen & Keith Johnson
29 Karen & Keith Johnson

In other words, why do I get what I want from using JOINs but don't using a 
WHERE clause?

I need to use both in different circumstances and I need them both to 
return the same results. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Ken Dibble

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