
> If it was Obama, you all would be accusing him of high treason...and
> you
> know it.

We already have a case for concern, IMO---Ongoing friendship and political
connections to Bill Ayers/Bernadine Dohrn + Rev. Wright's open preaching of
Black Liberation Theology and strange but longtime friendship with nation of
Islam leader Louis Farrakhan (two aspects of the controversy that are NEVER
mentioned in the newspapers). His Rezko connection isn't treason, just shows
the kind of people who have been supporting him since he was a lolely
"community organizer" in the tradition of Saul Alinsky.

Like I said, bring on the bogus Pat Buchanan affiliation and AIP membership
issues. We look forward to the issue of experience and past associations.


The media is more in-the-can for Obama than I have ever seen them in the can
for anybody--including (as she now knows too well) even Hillary. It's
shameful to see the so called journalist class become a propaganda wing for
a single candidate, just because he's black and gives a good speech.

In the past we of a more conservative persuasion suspected media bias. This
year, all pretense on their part has been thrown to the wind. Listening to
Chris Matthews talk about tingles going up his leg, or Olberman wondering
speculatively if he doesn't sound "too sycophantic" in his praise of Obama's
speech really tell the tale better than we can. But look at the headlines.

Note, the NYT has not one, not two, but THREE front page stories today about
Palin's daughter and so-called concerns about the "vetting process". Where
are their front page stories about Ayers when the Daley library finally
released the documents Kurtz was looking for, about Obama's work with him on
a left-wing not-for-profit organization? Where are their front page stories
about the $14 mil Obama siphoned to Rezko, or the money Rezko helped Obama
put down on his new mansion? Where are their front page stories about
Biden's son bilking millions through MBNA or whatever that Delaware credit
card company is that he works for?

Ed got all offended when Fox said the "VP ball was in McCain's Court" while
the others were just regurgitating what the AP put out... Fox used to be
more conservatively biased but lately they're the only network that treated
Hillary fairly (a fact with Fast Eddy Rendell even himself conceded during
the DNC last week). 

MSNBC makes Fox look like the epitome of journalistic objectivity this year.
And the NYT's biases are long a matter of demonstrable fact, not

And another example from CNN's Anderson Cooper last night:

COOPER: And, Senator Obama, my final question - your - some of your
Republican critics have said you don't have the experience to handle a
situation like this. They in fact have said that Governor Palin has more
executive experience, as mayor of a small town and as governor of a big
state of Alaska.  What's your response?

OBAMA: Well, you know, my understanding is, is that Governor Palin's town of
Wasilla has, I think, 50 employees. We have got 2,500 in this campaign. I
think their budget is maybe $12 million a year. You know, we have a budget
of about three times that just for the month.

So, I think that our ability to manage large systems and to execute, I
think, has been made clear over the last couple of years. And, certainly, in
terms of the legislation that I passed just dealing with this issue
post-Katrina of how we handle emergency management, the fact that many of my
recommendations were adopted and are being put in place as we speak, I
think, indicates the degree to which we can provide the kinds of support and
good service that the American people expect.

I know it's convenient to forget this, and Cooper, being the good journalist
he is, naturally forgot to correct him for de-emphasizing it so, uh, not
subtley: but she's not mayor of Wassila anymore she's Governor of Alaska.
Just for the record, Alaska's FY2008 operating budget is $11.2 billion, and
the state employs approximately 15,000 people.  Those certainly aren't huge
numbers in federal terms, but they're a good bit bigger than the Obama
campaign. Cooper knows this stuff, but did not correct him, or put the
emphasis back on her current work experience.

Now they're saying how his running of his campaign proves his executive

Well, when it's all you got I guess you got to run with it. :|

- Bob
> HW

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