Paul McNett wrote:
> On 3/4/10 11:24 AM, Bill Arnold wrote:
>> Have you seen this article, "Google: Desktops Will Be Irrelevant In Three
>> Years"?
>> html
>> This is complete foolishness. What will really happen is people will
>> compartmentalize their information stores between what they want to share on
>> the Internet and locally controlled databases, completely off-line to the
>> Internet. This inclination is a trickle today, but as reports of violations
>> of Internet stored data come across the wire, interest in this kind of
>> privacy will grow.
>> Which gets me to FoxPro. Individuals as well as small businesses will need
>> locally installed database systems for this purpose. Enter ProFox's
>> competitive advantages over the other solutions, and the stage is set for us
>> to do better then ever before. It's a gift to FoxPro, if you see that way.
> I agree that it is foolish to assume complete web domination of all 
> applications, 
> even in 10 years.

I guess the funny word here is 'desktop'. The article talks about phones
and mobile devices as *opposed* to 'desktop'. But if I get a phone, give
it a core duo processor, 8Gs of RAM, a Terabye drive, a big screen and a
good keyboard.... what's the difference with a 'desktop'?
So let's say phones won't have any of those. They will have the
processing power in the web, the storage capability also in the web, but
you will never be able to replace a good screen and a comfortable
keyboard. And there are lots of applications that need those two.
Now if they find a way to pack a big screen and a good keyboard in a
phone, then to us, programmers the fact that it is a phone or a desktop
will not matter. We will open a file at some address, and we will draw a
window in some device, and the languages and OS we'll be using will take
care of the rest.
And as soon as technology advances and they *are* able to pack a core
duo (or whatever) and enough RAM and lots of storage capacity in a
phone, then we are back at square one.

In any case it's all bs talk. If they *really* knew what's coming they
would tell no one considering knowledge is an asset. They are just
trying to impose *their* view of the future (of which they are obviously
uncertain) as a self supporting (???) prophecy.

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