On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 6:29 PM, Michal D. <michal.dobrog...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> for all w in Dy there exists a v in Dx such that the relationship v
>> compare w is true.
>> Does this sound right?
> Yes, that sounds right so long as compare implies looking up the values in
> the correct constraint table. Your formulation also sounds consistent with
> what I said before signalling that something has been lost in translation!
> consistent = compatible = relationship is true


I had somehow gotten a different idea of consistency:

   for all w in Dy for all v in Dx the relationship v compare w is true

Now that I know what to look for, though, I see the existential
constraint in the wikipedia article.  (I'm still a bit shaky about the
terminology, but I'm beginning to feel like I understand what you are

But I imagine that that is the point of calling it "arc consistency"
-- each arc is consistent to itself, but need not be consistent with
other arcs?


An consistent arc seems to be implemented as a pair of set bits in D
which corresponds to a set bit in A and a set bit in C.  (So we
consider all the possible cases and if any of them are true we are

Except you have C implemented a s a pair -- a matrix and its
transpose.  [That's an optimization for performance, though, and I
feel that that should take back seat to simplicity except where it has
a significant measurable benefit which exceeds its cost (complexity
always has a cost).]

A matches along the leading D dimension, C matches along the trailing
D dimension.  The bit pair in D thus corresponds to a row/column pair
against A as well as against C.

A tricky part seems to be that the upper triangle of A corresponds to
the forward direction in C (the bit in D that selects a row in A is
also selecting a row in C) while the lower triangle of A corresponds
to the reverse direction in C.  But I'm not seeing anything like this
in the text of the wikipedia entry.  And, if the diagram on the right
hand side is meant to be an illustration where the constraint is x < y
then it looks like we do not care about the order of the two
variables.  In other words, if we specify the constraint x < y it
looks like either x1 < x2 or x2 < x1 is sufficient to satisfy arc
consistency.  In other words, i think we should always use the
symmetric closure of the constraint.

Does this sound valid to you?

If not, where have I gone astray?


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