Distractions are probably good in a promotional video only to the extent that 
one wishes to divert attention from the product being promoted.

Certainly relevant music can add to the impact of a presentation by suggesting 
a mood, etc. But adding _irrelevant_ music is pointless.
On Fri, 7 Mar 2014 19:45:47 -050, Raul Miller <rauldmil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Distractions are probably good, to a certain extent, in a promotional
> video. Not everyone that watches the video is going to want to take action
> immediately and start solving euler or investing in stocks or whatever
> else. Ideally, a promotional video should be fun enough that it can find
> its way through casually interested people to the seriously interested
> types. And, ideally, there will be enough information present that the
> serious types can find more (but that can go in the comments section).
> Of course, nothing is ever completely ideal.
> The 15 minute video is long enough that a set of "skip to topic" links
> would probably be nice. That way people in a hurry can take a look and see
> if they want to watch something else instead.
> If people want to study, they should probably hit some of the existing
> documentation?
> For a promotional video we should instead, I think, focus more on issues of
> appeal than issues of satisfaction.
> But of course, there's plenty of space on youtube for satisfaction based
> videos, also.
> On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Murray Eisenberg <mur...@math.umass.edu>wrote:
>> A comment on Roger's comment as well as some comments on other aspects of
>> the video.
>> (1) In fact, I find the sound background not just superfluous, but
>> distracting. (Yes, I know that's why we have a mute function on our
>> computers' sound controls.)
>> (2) The background globe graphic is a bit distracting, too. Clearly _some_
>> kind of background was needed for the horizontal scrolling banners; perhaps
>> just a plain background or a simple color gradient would be better. (I find
>> such irrelevant backgrounds akin to the sort of "chart junk" that Tufte
>> inveighs against.)

Murray Eisenberg                                mur...@math.umass.edu
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.       
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 240 246-7240 (H)
University of Massachusetts                
710 North Pleasant Street                 
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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