(x I. y) does use binary search, and requires that y be either nonincreasing or nondecreasing.

Length of names has a tiny effect on performance, as the interpreter has to compare the name against a stored name. It is barely noticeable; slightly more noticeable when J8.05 added a fast path for singleton operations; disappears for local names now that J8.05 prehashes names assigned by local assignment. Not worth mentioning, except that the difference between the two programs was so small.

Henry Rich

On 9/10/2016 3:58 AM, 'Mike Day' via Programming wrote:
Yes. It clearly saves space to have "valueofminendvalue", my "mx", grow as it needs, rather than to start with maximal length. I hadn't spotted how
to avoid indexed assignment when your "j", my "lo",  increases. No need
for those clunky _1s in the index array!

So then I'm surprised that my space-hungry version doesn't suffer a hit
on the performance of dyadic I. on the maximal length mx . Does it use binary

Also, has length of variable names affected performance in early J versions?
I'm just lazy and all thumbs, so have avoided long names!



On 10/09/2016 00:39, Henry Rich wrote:
They're about the same speed on my machine. I don't think the if-then-else is material. They're essentially the same algorithm.

(I'm testing on J8.05 beta, where the long names don't affect performance)

Henry Rich

On 9/9/2016 7:26 PM, 'Mike Day' via Programming wrote:
I'm sure you know the following,  but it might be worth pointing out:

   longascseq l
6 9 20 21 22 25 26 27

   l{~longascseq l
1 2 3 4 5 7 11 19

   lisM l
1 2 3 4 5 7 11 19

ie, longascseq returns the indices of the/a subsequence.

Very limited testing suggests that it's a little bit slower,
(on 10000 elements) but saves space compared to the function,
lisM, that I posted earlier.  I suppose that's because of the
if-then-else block,  though I haven't studied their differences


On 09/09/2016 20:09, Henry Rich wrote:
I have created a Wiki page for this, where you can post solutions.


I don't think a tacit solution can be efficient, considering how many in-place operations are needed.

Henry Rich

On 9/9/2016 1:46 PM, Erling Hellenäs wrote:
Hi all !

This one is considerably faster, near lisJ.

ts'LongestIncreasingSubsequence 10000?10000'

2.40974 3.808e6

ts'LongestIncreasingSubsequence ?10000$10000'

2.46657 3.41504e6

It still uses a lot of memory. Handles 100 000 with quite some struggle.

ts'LongestIncreasingSubsequence ?100000$100000'

81.525 3.30742e7



NB. This is a solution to the problem of finding the longest strictly increasing subsequence.

NB. Draws numbers from the end of the sequence. Selects groups with its first element larger

NB. than the drawn element. Selects one of the longest of these groups if one exists and prepends

NB. the drawn number. If no such group exists create a new group containing the drawn number.

NB. Append the new group to the previous groups.

NB. Removes groups which are both shorter than the new group and which starts

NB. with a number which is smaller or equal to the number which starts the new group.

NB. When all numbers are drawn one of the longest remaining groups is selected.

GroupOfEmptyGroupInitialState=: [: < a:"_

GroupOfEmptyGroupInitialState ''

PackElements=: <@+

PackElements 6 1 3 4 2 8

SelectGroupsWithLeftLessThanFirstElement=: ([: , [ < [: (1 {. ])@> ]) # ]

PrependLeftInGroups=: ([: < [) ,&.> ]

2 PrependLeftInGroups <4 5

AddGroupWithLeftIfNoGroups=: ((0 = [: # ]) {. [: < [) , ]

2 AddGroupWithLeftIfNoGroups 0 {. <i.0

2 AddGroupWithLeftIfNoGroups , <1 2

SelectFirstGroupOfMaxLength=: ([: ((1 <. #) {. ]) [: I. ([: (] = '' $ [: >./ ]) #@>)) { ]

SelectFirstGroupOfMaxLength (<2),(<2 4 5),<2 6 7

StartsWithSmallerOrEqual=: ([: {.@> ])<:[: {: [

Shorter=: ([: #@> ])<[: {. [

LengthAndFirstElement=: [: (# , {.) [: > ]

SelectNotShorterAndStartsWithSmallerOrEqual=: (([: LengthAndFirstElement [: {: ]) ( ([: -. Shorter *.StartsWithSmallerOrEqual) # ]) [: > [: {. ]) , [: {: ]

SelectNotShorterAndStartsWithSmallerOrEqual ((<1 2),(<3 4 5),(< 4 5),(< 1 4 5));2 6 7

DoBetweenElementsInFold=: [: SelectNotShorterAndStartsWithSmallerOrEqual ] ; [ AddGroupWithLeftIfNoGroups [ PrependLeftInGroups [: SelectFirstGroupOfMaxLength SelectGroupsWithLeftLessThanFirstElement

2 DoBetweenElementsInFold (<1 2 3),<4 5

LongestIncreasingSubsequence=: [: ; [: SelectFirstGroupOfMaxLength [: > [: DoBetweenElementsInFold&.:>/ PackElements , GroupOfEmptyGroupInitialState

LongestIncreasingSubsequence=: LongestIncreasingSubsequence f.

LongestIncreasingSubsequence 6 1 3 4 2 8

l =: 7 4 4 5 2 7 1 8 13 2 10 4 9 1 4 5 5 4 3 10 3 4 5 8 15 7 11 19

LongestIncreasingSubsequence l

9!:1 [16807

LongestIncreasingSubsequence 1000?1000

9!:1 [16807

LongestIncreasingSubsequence ?1000$1000

ts=: 6!:2 , 7!:2@] NB. Time and space

ts'LongestIncreasingSubsequence 1000?1000'

ts'LongestIncreasingSubsequence ?1000$1000'

ts'LongestIncreasingSubsequence 10000?10000'

ts'LongestIncreasingSubsequence ?10000$10000'

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