Something like this, untested

'Valeur' (({.@] i. <@[) { |:@}.@]) data

Сб, 03 мар 2018, raoul schorer написал(а):
> Dear all,
> I am learning J and stumbled on something today:
> I loaded a .csv and obtained a boxed table, that I assigned to the name
> 'data'.
> The first row of 'data' looks like that:
> │N°IPP│Nom du paramètre│Valeur│Valeur Unit│Heure│
> Then I defined two functions, that do work as expected:
> NB. Column index of data y by name x
> colIdxByName =: 4 : 'I. (0 { y) = <x'
> NB. Select a column in data y by index x
> colByIdx =: 4 : '}.x{|:y'
> But if I try:
> colByName =: 4 : 0
> idx =. x colIdxByName y
> res =. idx colByIdx y
> )
> 'Valeur' colByName data  NB. nothing happens...
> idx =: 'Valeur' colIdxByName data
> idx colByIdx data  NB. this doesn't work
> 2 colByIdx data  NB. but this does...
> How can I elegantly compose colIdxByName and colByIdx ?
> Cheers,
> Raoul
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