another approach that could be helpful
with respect to that question:

try removing that , and rearranging
to become
in the definition
what does it compute now?

   Sierpinski =: {{ (((72#:~8#2){~3#.\0,],0:)^:y)@{: ,: 1 y} (>:+:y) $ 0 }}
   ' #'{~ Sierpinski"0 i.>:15
This gives a ragged version, each line is computed independently.

So why does (, f) y work?
try it for easily understood functions f, e.g. f=:+: and numeric y
then try (, f@{:) y
and then try both (, f)^:n y and (, f@{:)^:n y for some values n

(g f) → hook
f^:n  → ^:      ^:n is ^n for functions

Am 01.02.22 um 19:31 schrieb Andrew P:
what is (,?

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