On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 3:48 PM, Eric H. Jung <grimho...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 3:40 PM, Pete <updatescan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Adam,
>> On 26 July 2012 20:08, Adam Kowalczyk <adam-kowalc...@o2.pl> wrote:
>> > there was some valuable data and user feedback on my Drupal forum.
>> Could we
>> > please turn Drupal back on for at least a few days, so that I have a
>> chance
>> > to archive the information? I can't stress enough how much I would
>> > appreciate it.
>> I too have years of forum posts that I'd like to move elsewhere. Does
>> anyone know the best way of doing this? Does the Mozdev Drupal
>> installation have an export feature?
> It does not. I discussed it with Doug, our mozdev web programmer, before
> he left. The primary issue with an export/database dump is that, although
> each project has its own drupal installation, the userid/usernames are
> shared. that means exporting a single drupal forum would include thousands
> and thousands of userids even though the project itself might posts from a
> small subset of that. these userids are the same one we use for cvs and
> everything else, and so the passwords couldn't be easily dumped, too (they
> are not part of the drupal installation).
> When I moved FoxyProxy off of mozdev, I lost all of its drupal forum
> content. I started over with phpBB, losing years of posts. And since mozdev
> didn't offer forums at all back in the old days, this was actually the 3rd
> "forum conversion" the project went through.
I should suggest the solution I arrived at:

if you visit http://foxyproxy.mozdev.org/drupal or
http://foxyproxy.mozdev.org/drupal/forum ( i cannot remember the URL and
now drupal is down, so I cannot find it) ... you are presenting with a
Javascript popup. The popup informs you that the forums are read-only and
there for achive purposes. If you click "OK", then you are redirected to
the new forum URL using some more javascript. If you click "Cancel", then
you do not get redirected. You remain at the mozdev forums and can read

clicking "OK" writes a cookie so that next time you visit the URL, you are
automatically redirected with no prompt.

I was able to get this javascript to execute by creating a content module
and putting it in the header or footer of all of the drupal forum pages.

if you do this, i recommend you put the drupal forums in read-only mode,
but don't ask me how--it was a miracle i was finally able to get the drupal
permissions correct for it.

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