Hi Sophie,
Am 18.03.2011 09:02, schrieb Sophie Gautier:
Hi Erich
On 18/03/2011 02:43, Daniel A. Rodriguez wrote:
We have finished the first step of our move and are up to prepare
Silverstripe and the iso generating scripts on libreofficebox.org for
multilingual use.

great news

Like we do ourselves we're thinking of offering subdomains to every
interested NL team for the use as a website concerning the dvd and a
second sublevel domain to be used for development of the dvd ui. The dvd
ui can be exported together with all linked files prior to an upcoming
release of a dvd into static html, the iso file will be generated by
script from this export.
At the moment iso distribution still works manually but we're also up to
create a smooth workflow in this concern, which will feed the isos to
mirrorbrain and bittorrent in the near future (as we're on the
appropriate server now).

awesome job guys!
+1 :)

We're looking forward to hear from you what kind of subs you would want
to use, just for example could be es.libreofficebox.org together with
devel.es.libreofficebox.org or whatever fits better to your

your suggestion it's just fine for me
+1 and count me in

We have also created a simple landing page and contact form in english
to start with and so offering an easy approach for the community, it's
going to be available via www.libreofficebox.org.

We imagine the handling of permissions similar to the LO/TDF websites
running on Siverstripe, just leaving out the "author" role which looks
quite obsolete in this concern, registration will also be possible via
SS forum. Let me have your opinions pls.

you mean registration open to everyone? I think add-on-request scheme
will be better.
the add-on request is what is meant here if I understand well

Last not least: We're not really sure whether LibreofficeBox is really
the best name for our project.
We've transfered this as a working name from PrOOo-Box which was great
these days but we're not 100% happy with it.

what about 'LibOx'?

Sounds good for me.

So, some quick but not very satisfying proposals either:

or short LoL ;-)

LO0Box (LibreOfficeOutoftheBox)

Is the 0 (null) right? Then you will get many mistakes in pronouncing and writing.

I thought we should not use LO as logogram?!

LibOBox or
LiBO0Box or

But the best of these is 'LibOx'.


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