Malala bilang Taliban itu salah, Taliban bilang Malala itu murtad dan ga
Islami. Siapa yg benar, Malala atau Taliban?

Malala itu cuma anak cewek ABG yg hrsnya masih sekolah, apa dia tau ajaran
Islam yg benar dan pernah belajar Quran dan hadis dgn benar? Gua rasa kagak

Sebaliknya, Taliban itu adalah sebuah organisasi dipimpin oleh ulama, sdh
berdiri lama, jadi mereka hrsnya tahu Islam yg benar, sdh mempelajari QUran
dan hadis secara detil dan menyeluruh.

Kesimpulannya, Taliban itu yg benar, bukan Malala. Dan Islam itu emang
ajaran bejad dan biadab persis spt yg dipraktekkan Taliban.

Malala itu, sebaik apapun tujuannya, sdh ngibul ttg Islam, persis spt
orang2 Islam "moderat" atau "liberal".

Taliban on Malala: "The enemies of Islam are awarding her because she has
left Islam and has became

Malala says that what the Taliban do offends Islam -- that they're
misunderstanding Islam. They say she is an apostate who is being given
awards by the enemies of Islam. They want to kill her. She doesn't want to
kill them. They have already shot her once. This is why we don't see more
genuine Muslim reformers.

"Malala earns awards by 'working against Islam': Taleban," from
October 10 (thanks to Twostellas):

MIRANSHAH (AFP) - The Pakistani Taleban on Thursday said teenage activist
Malala Yousafzai had done "nothing" to deserve a prestigious EU rights
award and vowed to try again to kill her.

The European Parliament awarded the Sakharov human rights prize to the
16-year-old, who has become a global ambassador for the right of all
children to go to school since surviving a Taliban murder attempt.

Malala survived being shot in the head by a TTP gumnan on October 9 last
year and is seen as a leading contender for the Nobel Peace prize, to be
announced on Friday.

"She has done nothing. The enemies of Islam are awarding her because she
has left Islam and has became secular," Tehreek-e-Taleban Pakistan (TTP)
spokesman Shahidullah Shahid said by telephone from an undisclosed location.

  Posted by Robert <> on October 10, 2013 10:38 AM

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