I tried benchmarking BenchmarkSampleSend and the results seem awful, from 
B/op and ~250 allocs/op to ~1400000 B/op to ~170000 allocs/op. Profiling 
the code, it seems like labelsToLabelsProto is the offender, as it 
allocates a *prompb.Label per label. I experimented with using a 
map[string]string instead, but it seems like the results aren't that much 

One potential solution to this - which would require a relatively big 
refactor - would be to replace repeated Label labels with the raw byte 
representation that is held inside of labels_stringlabels, and switch from 
an array of Sample to two arrays of Timestamp and Value. Just doing the 
former seems to speed up the benchmarks by 30% (while allocations are still 
huge because of the *prompb.Sample).
On Friday, February 16, 2024 at 10:03:57 AM UTC+1 Bryan Boreham wrote:

> Do you have one for sending remote-write data?  The one you linked 
> is RemoteWritehandler which is for receiving.
> From what I've seen elsewhere, Proto3 structs have extra data members 
> which I expect to show significantly increased memory allocation.
> Unfortunately the remote-write structure with a struct for every 
> name-value pair and all labels repeated is maximally bad for this.
> Bryan
> On Wednesday 14 February 2024 at 18:32:28 UTC mircod...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Would the already present benchmarks in the code be sufficient?
>> If so, here are the remote read 
>> <https://github.com/mircodz/go-proto-bench/blob/main/benchmarks/rr_baseline_csproto>
>> , remote write 
>> <https://github.com/mircodz/go-proto-bench/blob/main/benchmarks/rw_baseline_csproto>,
>> and a cheeky remote read with pooling for snappy decompression 
>> <https://github.com/mircodz/go-proto-bench/blob/main/benchmarks/rw_baseline_csproto_pooling>
>>  comparisons 
>> (ran with -tags stringlabels), along side the raw results in the same 
>> directory.
>> The remote read tests don't look great, but I might have missed something 
>> inside of the code.
>> Note: I took the liberty to use 10 labels for both tests 
>> <https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/commit/7080c6ac8cc4175d79a1fd047cb17f0976f57130>
>> .
>> On Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 10:18:30 AM UTC+1 Bryan Boreham wrote:
>>> No need to apologise!
>>> Do you have benchmarks using the Prometheus remote-read and remote-write 
>>> protobufs ?
>>> On Wednesday 14 February 2024 at 08:08:37 UTC mircod...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> Hi all, sorry to disrupt this discussion.
>>>> Before stumbling upon this thread, I had worked on a separate fork 
>>>> <https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/compare/main...mircodz:prometheus:deprecate-gogo>
>>>> to deprecate gogo in favor of csproto, as compiling it using 
>>>> enableunsafedecode=true seems 
>>>> <https://github.com/mircodz/go-proto-bench> to give performance even 
>>>> better than vtproto. (Note, I have only compared the performance of 
>>>> csproto and vtproto to the official proto generator, and not gogo).
>>>> As of now the branch compiles and passes all tests, but I haven't gone 
>>>> through the code to check for possible optimizations that could arise from 
>>>> migrating away from gogo.
>>>> Would you be interested in a pull request? As mentioned above, this 
>>>> would be also a good opportunity to cleanup the proto generation code 
>>>> using 
>>>> buf.
>>>> P.S.: This would depend on a change in prometheus/client_model, but 
>>>> would allow removing the duplicate proto definition in the repository.
>>>> King Regards,
>>>> Mirco De Zorzi.
>>>> On Monday, February 5, 2024 at 10:58:17 AM UTC+1 Bartłomiej Płotka 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Issue for reference: 
>>>>> https://github.com/prometheus/prometheus/issues/11908
>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>> Bartek Płotka
>>>>> On Saturday, February 3, 2024 at 12:56:09 PM UTC Bartłomiej Płotka 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> We did a bit of testing for remote write 2.0 work (e.g. here 
>>>>>> <https://github.com/bwplotka/go-proto-bench>) for gogo vs different 
>>>>>> plugins, and vtproto is the most promising even with more pointers.
>>>>>> We have to get rid of nullables, yes (more pointers, pore separate 
>>>>>> objects on heap, generally more allocs), but even for our current remote 
>>>>>> write (especially with interning) there is literally not many slices 
>>>>>> (with 
>>>>>> many elements) that use custom types. And even if there are (e.g. 
>>>>>> []*TimeSeries) those objects might be worth to keep separate on the 
>>>>>> heap. 
>>>>>> This is also what protobuf direction will be, given the vision of 
>>>>>> "opaque 
>>>>>> API" (ability to load/allocate/ parts of proto message in a lazy way).
>>>>>> Furthermore we hit a roadblock a bit, as a apparently "optional 
>>>>>> <https://github.com/gogo/protobuf/issues/713>" proto3 option does 
>>>>>> not work with proto. This makes it maybe even more worth doing. (e.g. 
>>>>>> PRW 
>>>>>> 2.0 optional timestamp int64 would not be able to have valid value of 0 
>>>>>> etc).
>>>>>> I think I would consider doing this work this summer, perhaps as a GSoC 
>>>>>> mentorship 
>>>>>> <https://github.com/cncf/mentoring/blob/main/programs/summerofcode/2024.md>.
>>>>>> Anyone would like to mentor/co-mentor that with me or Callum? (: 
>>>>>> Kind Regards,
>>>>>> Bartek Plotka
>>>>>> On Wednesday, November 29, 2023 at 2:38:14 AM UTC callu...@gmail.com 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> As part of all the remote write proto changes I've been working on I 
>>>>>>> tried out moving us off of gogoproto, cherry picking Austin's original 
>>>>>>> changes into a new branch off of the current main branch.
>>>>>>> As Tom mentioned, the main reason for using gogoproto is that 
>>>>>>> `repeated SomeMessageType = n;` fields within messages are generated as 
>>>>>>> slices of concrete types rather than slices of pointers, which makes it 
>>>>>>> much easier to write code that avoids extra memory allocations. From 
>>>>>>> what 
>>>>>>> I've hacked together, we can get similar (or potentially better) 
>>>>>>> performance using vtproto and their pooling feature, but it's going to 
>>>>>>> be a 
>>>>>>> big refactoring effort. 
>>>>>>> It might, however, be worth it. It looks to me like even with 
>>>>>>> slightly more allocations the proto marshalling is faster and the 
>>>>>>> marshalled message is smaller. I'll push what I have later this week 
>>>>>>> when 
>>>>>>> I'm more confident it's working correctly.
>>>>>>> On Thursday, July 8, 2021 at 2:42:41 AM UTC-7 Frederic Branczyk 
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I think I'd be most useful to rebase, and create a PR from this, 
>>>>>>>> then we can see whether tests pass and we can run prombench (although 
>>>>>>>> I 
>>>>>>>> don't think there are any perf tests that involve the proto parts). 
>>>>>>>> Then we 
>>>>>>>> can discuss on there and figure out where to take this.
>>>>>>>> Thank you so much for the work you have already put into this!
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 21 Jun 2021 at 19:53, Austin Cawley-Edwards <
>>>>>>>> austin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I've updated my branch (
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/austince/prometheus/tree/feat/drop-gogo) to 
>>>>>>>>> use both the vitess plugin and the buf tool, which indeed fit very 
>>>>>>>>> nicely 
>>>>>>>>> together.
>>>>>>>>> I've only updated the code enough for it to compile, have not 
>>>>>>>>> investigated the semantic differences. This is likely the furthest 
>>>>>>>>> I'll be 
>>>>>>>>> able to take this for a bit, so feedback and playing around are 
>>>>>>>>> welcome and 
>>>>>>>>> appreciated if this is where we'd like protobuf in Prometheus to go 
>>>>>>>>> :) 
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Austin
>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 17, 2021 at 12:56 PM Frederic Branczyk <
>>>>>>>>> fbra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I have heard great thing, but haven’t used it. Wrongfully thought 
>>>>>>>>>> that they are mutually exclusive but turns out they are actually 
>>>>>>>>>> complementary: 
>>>>>>>>>> https://twitter.com/fredbrancz/status/1405192828049838080?s=21
>>>>>>>>>> We should probably do an investigation of the combination.
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu 17. Jun 2021 at 18:26, Austin Cawley-Edwards <
>>>>>>>>>> austin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Just saw this on the CNCF blog as well, seems like a promising 
>>>>>>>>>>> library.
>>>>>>>>>>> Tangentially, have you heard of https://github.com/bufbuild/buf? 
>>>>>>>>>>> It seems much nicer than compiling with shell scripts and protoc.

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