I wonder if it relates to this in 0.24.0 changelog?

** [BUGFIX] Fix the default HTML email template (`email.default.html`) to 
match with the canonical source. #2798*

I haven't tried it, but what happens if you set this?

html: "{{/*empty*/}}"

Sadly, I suspect you will get a multipart/alternative mail with empty html 

The source code in notify/email/email.go 

        if len(n.conf.HTML) > 0 {

However if the parameter is being set by default to '{{ template 
"email.default.html" . }}' then it could negate this.

On Tuesday, 15 November 2022 at 15:04:49 UTC Mike H wrote:

> Hi all,
> Hoping someone can help or offer some insight.
> Upgraded from Alertmanager v0.20.0 to v0.23.0
> We have a Monitoring Events system that can only auto process text based 
> emails which it uses to generate Incident tickets.
> In v0.20.0 we just set html:'' , this no longer seems to be working on 
> v0.23.0 or v0.24.0
> by default Alertmanager adds in html: '{{ template "email.default.html" . 
> }}'.
> We send 2 emails, 1 with a custom html template to the k8s team and one 
> with a custom text template to the monitoring system:
> Config is as follows:
> global:
>   smtp_auth_password: **************
>   smtp_auth_username: *****@mycompany.com
>   resolve_timeout: 5m
>   smtp_from: k8s.aler...@mycompany.com
>   smtp_smarthost: auth-forwarder.mycompany.com:25
> receivers:
>   - name: email-receiver
>     email_configs:
>     - headers:
>         subject: '{{ template "__subject" . }}'
>       html: '{{ template "email.custom.html" . }}'
>       send_resolved: false
>       to: k8s-...@mycompany.com
>   - name: ITSM-receiver
>     email_configs:
>       - to: monitori...@mycompany.com
>         send_resolved: false
>         headers:
>           subject: '{{ template "__subject" . }}'
>         html: ''
>         text: '{{ template "email.custom.txt" . }}'
> route:
>   group_by:
>   - alertname
>   group_interval: 5m
>   group_wait: 30s
>   receiver: email-receiver
>   repeat_interval: 2h
>   routes:
>   - receiver: 'email-receiver'
>     matchers:
>       - alertname=".+"
>       - severity="warning|critical"
>   - receiver: 'ITSM-receiver'
>     matchers:
>       - alertname=".+"
>       - severity="warning|critical"
> templates:
> - /etc/alertmanager/configmaps/alert-template/*.tmpl
> Has the option of using html:''  been removed from the latest versions or 
> is there a way around this.

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