I think you just want two (well four, with the control channel) 
`make-network-process'es, actually :)

You can `cl-define-struct' a pair of network process (and possibly wrap 
relevant function to work on pairs of half-channels) for convenience, too.

Interestingly, you probably don't need a filter function on the two Emacs-> Coq 


On 2016-05-11 10:09, Paul A. Steckler wrote:
> You're comparing make-network-process, then, with start-process?
> When using sockets, coqtop works in a funny way, using two half-duplex
> sockets. So if you used make-network-process, I think you'd get just
> one of those sockets, and have to use Elisp's other network facilities
> to manage the other socket, ugh. That reinforces the idea that pipes
> would be the way to go.
> There are also the "command channels" used by coqtop. I think those
> would have to be manually-managed network sockets.
> -- Paul
> On Wed, May 11, 2016 at 3:40 PM, Stefan Monnier
> <monn...@iro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
>>> You mean here the pipes that are created when running Elisp's start-process?
>> Yes.  In either case, the Elisp code will start Coq and get a an Elisp
>> process object in return.  This is the only part that should
>> be different.  After that, whether you're using a pipe or a socket won't
>> affect your Elisp code.
>>> It looks like you'd setup a filter function for the Coq process to get
>>> its output, and use process-send-string to send input to Coq.
>> Yes, and that applies to either case.
>>         Stefan
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