Dear ProofGeneral users and contributors,

Just a quick note regarding the PG/xml implementation by Paul Steckler
for async Coq proofs (that was gathered up to now in his GitHub fork):
the new code has been recently integrated in the "async" branch of the
main PG repo

and the migration of issues from one repo to the other is on-going.

More specifically: all issues in Paul's fork (both open and closed)
have been exported and hidden; they will be soon imported in the main
repo which will thus become
the single entry point for reporting issues.

(A further announcement will follow when PG 5.0-beta will be released)

Best regards,

Erik, for the PG dev team

Érik Martin-Dorel
Maître de Conférences, Lab. IRIT, Univ. Toulouse 3
ProofGeneral-devel mailing list

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