I'm consider sending patches that change the code to take advantage of
features from newer Emacsen (such as lexical-binding) but am wondering
what's the "target" supported version.

In the `master` branch (PG-4.5), it is claimed that it should work under
Emacs-24.3 whereas in the `async` branch (PG-5.0) it says 24.4.

On the surface this makes sense if we assume that `master` is legacy
code that's in pure-maintenance mode.  But I also see that `async` is
based on PG-4.4.1 which said that it needed Emacs-24.4, and the `async`
branch has not integrated the more recent changes to `master`, including
those which apparently make it work under 24.3.

So is the plan to merge the changes from `master` back into `async`
(that would seem to make a lot of sense to me), and if so does that mean
that `async` will want to work under Emacs-24.3 (and hence that in my
patches I should try to avoid features that were introduced in 24.4)?

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