Clément Pit-Claudel <> writes:

> On 03/12/2018 11.57, Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias wrote:
>> In the first case, my opinion (and the one of quite a few of my
>> colleagues) is yes, clearly ahead.
> But can you give concrete examples of extra features that they have?

I will mention three that already make a large difference:

- Isabelle / PIDE understands complete projects;
- reliable async support and integration with external tools;
- better error reporting and handling.

> And, re the coupling, are these worth being stuck with a single editor?

Indeed not for me, I wish Coq didn't have to go that way.

But most Isabelle users I talk to seem to prefer the tradeoff of having
a single nice working IDE over 2 less featured ones.

And they ones I've talked to do and that have done some Coq too, clearly
state that they miss Isabelle's IDE _a lot_.

Note that I am not advocating for coupling at all, but I cannot either
accept 10-years immutability; in the end, if you want advanced features
you need to allow for some room for development.

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