Greetings all,

Perhaps I'm restating something that has been covered before because I have not followed this thread completely so please forgive me if I am.

Very often I use DXF in and out of 99SE sp5 and now sp6 (as well as Tango DOS and Accel EDA 15) and have not had any problems to speak of.

First I make a drawing file that contains only the entities that I want to import into my pcb and then use that file to create the DXF. Then it has been my habit, even using AutoCAD 2000 and SolidWorks 2000, to create the DXF's in AutoCAD 12  format where ever possible.

Doing so has avoided many headaches over the last few years with many software tools that attempt to support the DXF format, but have not quite been able to keep up with the growing complexity of the DXF standard. I have sometimes had trouble getting Autocad to read a dxf back into the very same version that created it, so if Autodesk has trouble making the thing work one can expect others to have trouble too) so I formed the R12 habit.

Also keeping all entities in positive (absolute) quadrants with 0.0 z axis,on an integer grid and reducing the decimal accuracy down to 3 or 4 places (5 if absolutely necessary) seems to help with arcs and splined polylines  (I also avoid any dxf's that have had "iges" imports in their original drawings flattened to 2d items - these seem to have lots of dimensional errors in them - but I have not tried one of these since autoCAD  14).

 Hopefully this helps someone - Best Regards - Evan Scarborough

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>From: Ian Wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Multiple recipients of list proteledausers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [PROTEL EDA USERS]: Seems Protel has broken DXF Import in 99se?
>Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2001 08:25:04 +1100
>On 12:36 PM 8/02/2001 -0800, Brad Velander said:
>>Hi all,
>> has anybody had problems with importing DXF into P99SE
>>SP6? I am
>>unable to successfully import a DXF this morning into P99SE, the
>>attempt since switching to 99SE.
>I have had on-going issues with DXF import and I have done it maybe
>times over the last couple of years. But I haven't tried SP6 in
>anger -
>tried a few difficult DXF files this morning and it seems to be
>better than
>previously (and the metric/imperial setting works).
>I have heard that importing into Camtastic and saving and then
>trying again
>in sometimes Protel helps.
>Arcs were a real issue (any large radius arc is likely to not import
>though it has centre and endpoints in the 100"x100" positive
>quadrant. (I
>will usually use another CAD package to explode arcs into suitable
>line segments.)
>I usually see missing entities but rarely stuff scattered about.
>The DXFs
>I am importing are usually just lines and maybe arcs.
>I can't recall, does P98 have DXF export? As well as saving the P98
>version you might like to try exporting as dxf and then re-importing
>P99SE. Can you make a DWG file and see if that imports?
>Ian Wilson
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