At 03:08 PM 9/11/2002 +0100, John A. Ross \[Design\] wrote:
>I got one containing an attachment called rock.exe which is the Klez beast
>but the attachment was auto deleted by AV S/W at server
>It was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] from [EMAIL PROTECTED] ,
>is an e-mail marketing company. It would be very interesting if Virtumundo
>handled opt-in mailings for yahoo groups.
>Design@ is an email address I created specifically for the yahoo groups, I
>only use this on yahoo groups & PEDA lists now.
>In all my time I have never been spammed from the PEDA list.

The viral spam quite likely came from the system of a user who subscribes 
to either the PEDA list or one of the yahoogroups lists. This list (PEDA) 
publishes the email addresses of users who post to it. So those addresses 
are on the system of any subscriber.

It is bizarre to think that yahoogroups is specially involved. A yahoo 
group can be set to conceal user email addresses, but most of us seem to 
think that it is better to have them available. There are questions about 
the archive on yahoogroups, though. Should it be members only? Better for 
security, but this then makes it necessary for users to subscribe in order 
to access the archive, some don't like that.

In any case, policy for the protel-users yahoogroups is set by the 
Association, which meets, virtually, at 

Note that if you put your address anywhere in the mail, such as Mr. Ross 
did in what I quoted, it then becomes accessible even for a list which does 
not publish the full address in its mailings or on its archive.

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