Hi all,

Firstly a I haven't posted in a long time, but I have tried to keep up with the discussions here. I have a basic general question open to all. What do you do for backing up work ?

A) During SCH and PCB creation.

B) Completion of work for project/customer.

C) New version upgrades of Protel and or Windows.

I do the following:

A) I set the Number of backups to the Max of ten and the time between saves to 1 hour. The backup drive is down the local net to another box. In this way, normally I will never overwrite any of the previous backups in a working day (yeh right). We have noticed that files corrupt on local boxes when Windows goes skew-if, but we have never heard of bad writes to another box across a network. The network software tends to deal with files on a "this is a file", not, "this is the sector" basis and the other machine doesn't like malformed commands/requests. At the end of the day, I save the file to the other machine directly. Work directories are backed up to CD as well, but unfortunately on a bit of a ad-hock basis.

B) When work is completed (as in not to be worked on again for some time), I backup to one CD, the project work directory (containing DDBs, code, emails and invoicing), the current Protel disk, it's patches and serial number info, and the current Windows disk and it's patch directory. This may not be possible anymore with the size of the latest windows installs (maybe time for a DVD writer).

C) I backup to CD the current Protel disk, it's patches and serial number info, and the current Windows disk and it's patch directory. I pull out the drive and put it to one side (it's only once every couple of years anyway). I have found the cost of the drive is insignificant to the problems of backing out of a bad install/upgrade. I haven't done this for patch upgrades though.

Is this over the top or not enough?

I appreciate any comments.

Saddle (In the land of Oz)
"Edit.com was pretty hard on the eyes with those pastels on CGA"

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