Yes, I do realise I can do a direct copy/paste, but the method described has
the following advantages:

* it gets rather tedious when I have 27 sheets in the schematic; this way I
get 27 files that I can import directly into word without having to
buggerise around with flitting back and forth between protel and word;

* I can customise the resolution to make the filesize smaller;

* I get to choose the format of the file (with gs - tiff, bmp, png, whatever
- to make the filesize smaller or whatever)

* This method is very scriptable; you can extract the images for (eg) web
page publishing, and manipulate them with imagemagick (for resolution,
making a thumbnail index, whatever).

Matthew van de Werken
Electronics Engineer
CSIRO Exploration & Mining - Gravity Group
1 Technology Court - Pullenvale - Qld - 4069
ph:  (07) 3327 4685     fax:  (07) 3327 4455

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thomas [mailto:tom@;]
> Sent: Tuesday, 5 November 2002 1:13 PM
> To: 'Protel EDA Forum'
> Subject: Re: [PEDA] HOWTO Import Schematic documents into Word (NOT a
> ques tion)...
> You do realise that you can copy/paste directly from 
> schematic to word,
> don't you? There is even an option in Preferences to include 
> the template.
> Select all items on the schematic, then edit/copy, left click 
> a reference
> point, then edit/paste in Word.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:Matt.VanDeWerken@;]
> > Sent: Tuesday, 5 November 2002 13:58
> > To: Protel EDA Forum
> > Subject: [PEDA] HOWTO Import Schematic documents into Word (NOT a
> > question)...
> > 
> > 
> > Hi all:
> > 
> > I have been asked to import all my schematic docs into word, 
> > which I know
> > sounds like a fun job, but in fact isn't. To make my life 
> > easier, I have
> > devised the following procedure, which you may all use for 
> > the same purpose
> > (and/or adapt for use with pcb's, which I will be doing later...):
> > 
> > 1. You will need the following installed on your computer to 
> > follow these
> > instructions:
> > 
> > a. Protel (of course)
> > b. A postcript printer driver that prints to a file; I use 
> the HP 4500
> > driver so I can print in colour.
> > b. Cygwin
> > c. Ghostscript (the windows version is OK, as long as it's in 
> > your $PATH -
> > not sure of URL to d/l this)
> > d. Imagemagick (the windows version is OK, just use the 
> > default install and
> > it works - get it from or one of 
> > the mirrors
> > listed)
> > e. MS Word (of course)
> > 
> > 2. Print your schematic to a PS file - if you install a 
> > colour printer (eg
> > HP laserjet 4500), you will get a colour file.
> > 
> > 3. Using ghostscript, convert the postscript file into a 
> > series of png's.
> > (You can actually use any file format here that word will 
> > understand, but
> > png's are quite small.
> > The command line for doing the following is as follows:
> > 
> > # gs -sDEVICE=png256 -sOutputFile=`basename $f .ps`%02d.png 
> > -dBATCH -r300 $f 
> > 
> > Where $f is of course the postscript file you printed 
> > earlier. If you have
> > more than 100 sheets in your schematic document, you might 
> > want to change
> > the %02d to %03d. The -r300 line sets the resolution - 300dpi gives
> > reasonable output at manageable file sizes.
> > 
> > 4. Now, you may rotate the images, so that they come out 
> properly on a
> > landscape-formatted word page (don't ask *me* why, this is 
> > just what I was
> > asked to do by my boss).
> > 
> > Use the following cygwin command lines for this:
> > 
> > for g in  *.png ; do
> >   echo $g
> >   mogrify -rotate 90 $g 
> > done
> > 
> > 5. Now, import the png files into Word, using the 
> > Insert->Picture->From File
> > menu item (or add it to the toolbar). I'm sure someone could 
> > write a VB
> > macro to do all the png files in a directory, but I can't be 
> > bothered doing
> > this...
> > 
> > 6. You can of course put it all into a script, as I have done:
> > 
> > ======8><-----------------------------------------------------------
> > #!/bin/bash
> > 
> > # Script to create a set of nice png images from a postscript file,
> > # generally generated from Protel.
> > 
> > # usage: makepng <>
> > #
> > # If you omit <>, it barfs
> > #
> > 
> > for f in $@ ; do
> >   gs -sDEVICE=png256 -sOutputFile=`basename $f .ps`%02d.png 
> > -dBATCH -r300 $f 
> > done
> > 
> > for g in  *.png ; do
> >   echo $g
> >   mogrify -rotate 90 $g 
> > done
> > ======8><-----------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > Excuse the long line (starting with 'gs'), if it's wrapped 
> > you'll have to
> > fix the wrapping manually - the windows version of gs doesn't 
> > seem to like
> > lines broken with the standard '\' line-joins.
> > 
> > Note this method will also work for solidworks drawings, or 
> > anything else
> > that can be printed.
> > 
> > Enjoy!
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Matthew van de Werken
> > Electronics Engineer
> > CSIRO Exploration & Mining - Gravity Group
> > 1 Technology Court - Pullenvale - Qld - 4069
> > ph:  (07) 3327 4685     fax:  (07) 3327 4455
> > email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > 

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