On 09:26 PM 24/02/2003, Norbert Hoppe said:
Hi Folks!

I like to give the different layers an optical index mark
in the way
Top Layer        |T |
Mid 1            |M1|
Mid 2            |M2|
Plane 1          |P1|
Plane 2          |P2|
Mid 3            |M3|
Mid 4            |M4|
Bottom Layer     |B |

On a normal layer there it is no problem, but on a plane
i am unable to get a free region (a kind of window) to be
able to look across the pcb.
Is there an easy way to do it?

Thanks in advance.


Place a fill on each of the plane layers under all the text on the other layers - this allows you to see the text on these layers by removing the copper in that region. Then on the planes just place text as for the other layers and you will see this as negative on your layer clock. So with your lay up you will have two fills and some text on each of the plane layers. For Plane 1 as an example you will have one fill under the text T, M1, M2 and then you will have your plane text, P1, and then another fill in the region of the text P2, M3, M4 and B. Something similar for plane 2.

Ian Wilson

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