
Sandeep Rawat schrieb:
>          I am using the protext for document formation in WINDOW XP. 
> Everything is working fine. As I am planning to write the paper for 
> Springer, they have there own format, called llncs/llncs2e package. but 
> am unable to create the file using these packages. I have tried the 
> MiKTex 2.7 for upadating the package. still its not showing the updated.
> Help me , as am unable to use the particular package.

seems that llncs/llncs2e isn't part of MiKTeX's package repository, so 
you've to install it manually. Perhaps you should try the following:

1. Organize a recent llncs2e-package, you'll find it somewhere on the 
Springer site.

Having done this do the next steps:

2. Find out the location of your "Local TeXMF tree". 'Start' -> 
'Programs' -> 'MiKTeX 2.7' -> 'Settings' should point you to the right 
place. Have a look on the 'Roots' tab and make sure you've enabled the 
'Show MiKTeX maintained root directories' option.

3. Go to the place described as 'User Data' and create the new 
subdirectories tex\latex\llncs

4. Unzip the llncs2e package in the just created directory.

5. Click on the 'General' tab in MiKTeX's 'Settings' and press the 
button 'Refresh FNDB'.

If everything went well you should now be able to use the missing package.

In case everything fails just unpack the llncs2e-package in the same 
directory you store your paper - this is a dirty hack, but it should 
lead you to success.

Good luck - Thomas

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