
Some time back there was a question regarding WinBibDB. We also faced
similar problem. But our experience is somewhat different. WinBibDB worked
perfectly well on a Desktop computer (Dell) with Windows 7. But the same
didn't work with a Laptop (Dell) with Windows 7. Strange behaviour?

Regarding replacement for WinBibDB - the best is to use JabRef which is
based on Java. Or there is a Tcl/TK based applet is also available. Choice
is yours.

But I like the look of WbibDB very much - because the final screen shows the
data as if it is written on a reference card!!

With best Wishes

Happy TeXing
The BHU TeX Group
क्या आप यह देख पा रहें हैं।
इस का मतलब आप का कम्प्यूटर यूनीकोड
को समझती है। देर किस बात की हिन्दी मे
चिठ्ठियां लिखिये।
I use OpenOffice3.1! Do you!!

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