I  just installed MikTeX v. 2.9

I have used MFTI 0.60 with older versions of MikTeX with no problem..

MikTeX 2.9 did away with localtexmf and texmf directories. I tried to
figure what to use for MikTeX base directory and MikTex local directory.

I guessed C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9 for the base directory since that is
where MiKTex is.

I guessed C:/Documents and Settings/George/Application Data/MiKTeX/2.9
since that seems to be my local MikTex directory.

I got the "green check marks" beside both entries on the MFTI entry screen

Before the final step, MFTI printed the summary as follows:
Conclusion of your selections
Normal font: C:/Temp/FineHand.ttf
Bold font: C:/Temp/FineHand.ttf
Italic font: C:/Temp/FineHand.ttf
Bold and Italic font: C:/Temp/FineHand.ttf
MiKTeX base installation dir: C:/Program Files/MiKTeX 2.9
MiKTeX local installation dir: C:/Documents and Settings/George/Application
Name of the new Font: finehand
Output directory: C:/Documents and Settings/Georgebut

Then when I tried to finish got an error:

X Encoding File "C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.9\ttf2tfm\base\T1-WGL4.enc" not

X *** Font Installation failed! ***

Here is the advice from the MiKTeX 2.9 manual but I am not sure how to
interpret it or apply it to this situation:

The Local TEXMF Tree you might remember from older versions of MiKT E X is
unfortunately no longer supported. You can place your own packages,
classes, and configuration files one of three directories
grouped together in C:\Documents and Settings.
You can find the exact path via the Windows menu Start → All Pro-grams →
MiKTeX 2.9 → Maintenance → Settings. In the window that appears, click on
the tab labelled Roots. You can also add an existing Local TEXMF Tree
(normally located in → C:\localtexmf) to MiKT E X 2.9’s search path with
the same Roots

I think I need help identifying the base installation dir and the local
installation dir.

I would appreciate your suggestions!

Please also be aware that I use only plain TeX not LaTeX, if that would
make a difference.

Thank you

George Stewart

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