On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Chris Kuklewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> BUG * The user-defined options have the wrong value for some 32 bit
> value.

Looks like you figured this out.  Yeah, the idea is that 32-bit varints and
64-bit varints should always be compatible.  So, if you write a 32-bit
negative number as a varint, it needs to be sign-extended to 64 bits so that
if it is read as a 64-bit varint you still get the correct result.

The whole negative varints problem was a mistake made in an early version of
protocol buffers that unfortunately we're stuck with now.

> BUG * The user-defined options from unittest_custom.proto have
> repetitions in the output from protoc that are not present in
> the .proto file.  Not all fields are repeated (apparently just the
> fixed width ones), but this looks dangerous in the presence of
> repeated fields.

Thanks, I'm looking into this.

> * The default_value of bytes and string types are stored differently.
> The bytes are stored in a raw form at the same "escaping level" as the
> proto file.  A string is stored after the escape codes have been
> interpreted.
> ** Why, oh why, are they stored with different escape conventions?

The default_value field of FileDescriptorProto is a string.  Strings can
only contain structurally-valid UTF-8 text.  So, the default values for
other strings can be represented just fine with no escaping, but raw bytes
need to be escaped somehow such that they are valid UTF-8.  In retrospect,
this may not have been the best format.

> ** Is this documented anywhere?

Yes, in the comments in descriptor.proto.

> * The "name" field of the FileDescriptorProto seems to be the file
> path passed on the command line or the filepath in the import
> statement.
> ** I have not checked, but if I were on windows would the file path
> from the command line have \ instead of / ?

It will always be a forward slash.

The path is actually not taken from the command line or from import
statements.  The path of each file is its location relative to the source
tree defined by the --proto_path (or -I) flag.  The goal here is to have a
canonical name for every file.  Note that this also implies that file names
cannot contain "." or ".." components and cannot be absolute paths.

> ** Is this documented anywhere?

I guess not as well as it should be.  descriptor.proto describes the "name"
field as "file name, relative to the root of the source tree", but that's
not precise enough for someone trying to write their own implementation.
 Sorry, my intent was never for people to write their own compiler; I hoped
everyone would reuse libprotoc.

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