you could consider wrapping protobuf-c... that will at least save you
the hassle of writing the C wrapper around C++.

- dave

On Nov 12, 10:04 am, "Petar Petrov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 5:14 PM, codeazure <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Oct 31, 5:19 am, "Petar Petrov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Yes, there are plans to improve performance. I have spent a little time
> > on
> > > this without significant improvements.
> > > I think performance can hardly get a drastic improvement without a C++
> > > extension module (which we are planning to have).
> > Are you aware of anyone doing any work on a C++ Boost::Python
> > interface for PB?
> No, we aren't aware of such.
> > This would seem to be a relatively easy thing to
> > write, implementing the __getattr__/__setattr__ Python methods in
> > Boost::Python to interface to the reflection mechanism in PB.
> A few things. The current Python API has to remain pure-Python because some
> clients aren't able to use C/C++ extensions (like AppEngine).
> Boost is generally not accepted in Google, so a Boost::Pythonit interface
> will have to distribute separately.
> We are planning a Python C extension. It will likely consist of a separate
> python code generator to create Python code which wraps the C++
> API and provides Python API similar to the current pure-Python protobuf API.
> > If noone else is doing it, I might try this myself & pass it on if it
> > works.
> > Regards,
> > Jeff
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