This topic is very interesting, and I have put a lot of thought in it. 
Let's share:

I have noticed that in most of my applications, most of the columns in 
the database are just storage for later reports, nothing happens there. 
I gess this is what you call persistence.

I was thinking of structuring the tables like this:
1) a few columns have information usefull for index creation and for joins.
2) one column to store a blob, consisting of a protobuf binary, with all 
the rest of the information.
- probably columns in (1) will be duplicates or will be derived from 
what is in (2)

This sounds very promissing if there is a server atached to the database 
and all accesses are done via protobuf. A lot of time can be saved, as 
protobuf doesn't need to convert to/from binary. Also as protobuff is 
forward/backward version compatible, database update is eliminated when 
adding new resources or even optional ones.


Kenton Varda escreveu:
> All these questions are hard to answer definitively.  It depends on 
> the details of your use case.  In many case there are many possible 
> solutions and it's impossible to say which one is "best".
> One thing that probably matters a lot is the complexity of the queries 
> you intend to execute on this "database".  If you are just looking up 
> entries by key, that's pretty easy to implement, but complex queries 
> involving matching multiple columns -- to say nothing of joins -- will 
> be more difficult, especially if you want them to be efficient. 
>  Again, all depends on the use case.
> But I don't see anything obviously wrong with your ideas.
> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 3:36 PM, Stephen Miller < 
> <>> wrote:
>     First, let me apologize if this is not the forum to speak about design
>     decisions.
>     I'm program for a hobby, so I do not consider myself a guru with
>     respect to making smart design choices. I'm starting a new project.
>     This project is in C++ and will have lots of persistent data.
>     It is not transactional in the sense that it needs to maintain
>     integrity of data.  It is time-sensitive in that I want it to run
>     without hiccup or lag, and it is fine if I lose some data once in
>     awhile, since I will be making regular backups and rewinding to a
>     moment in time is alright.  For all these reasons I do not think I
>     *NEED* to use something like a relational database.
>     I'm concerned about speed, and about memory, since I expect there to
>     be a lot of data in memory whenever the program is running, which is
>     all the time.
>     So, having said all that ...
>     Is it stupid to use protobuf to store data to files and to use it
>     basically as database?
>     If no:
>     Would it be wise to store most messages in one large file with some
>     proprietary defined structure to figure out where messages begin and
>     end and what type they are?  I've noticed games typically put all
>     there data in one large file.  Is that because its faster to fseek
>     than it is to open up a new file?  Of course, single player games
>     don't seem to store changing data in one large file, maybe because
>     corrupting that file can corrupt all the data?
>     I recognize that databases give you all of these features, like very
>     intelligent fast searching of data, the ability to have multiple
>     things hitting the data at once, transactional updates, etc.  But,
>     would messages saved to hard disk files be faster data lookups AND
>     updates then a relational SQL?
>     >From my perspective, protobuf is far easier to work with than
>     building
>     SQL statements all over in your code and figuring out some way to bind
>     C++ classes with containers, pointers, and other indirection to
>     relational databases.  Plus, it seems more friendly to adding new data
>     to those classes.  Has it been thought that it might be interesting to
>     have an automatic way of generating SQL statements to create tables to
>     hold protobuf objects and automatic conversion of protobufs to SQL
>     updates/inserts?  Making it easy to communicate with remote
>     applications and with binding objects to databases...There are a lot
>     of issues about that I am not aware of, I'm sure.
>     And, finally,  is it smarter to have a copy of the proto class
>     encapsulated by a c++ object with direct writes/reads to the proto? As
>     opposed to copying the data to a class, deleting the proto, and
>     generating a new one anytime you want to save the object?  Here, it
>     seems that the first approach lends itself to data that changes often
>     and is saved frequently, and the second to data that is almost never
>     changing.
>     With gratitude,
>     N

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