> Hi,
>    Lets say my proto (abcd.proto) is compiled with the protoc compiler
> version 2.0.3 and my application also links to the corresponding
> runtime libraries. I now run my app and store the  bytes generated
> from the proto object to some persistent store (say a database).
> A month from now, I decide to upgrade to protocol buffer version 2.0.4
> (which say is released) and recompile abcd.proto using the new
> compiler to generate the new cpp classes. I hook my app to the new
> runtime libraries and try to read the older bytes (v2.0.3) from the
> persistent store. Will it be able to?
> In other words, are the bytes that are written out (for an unchanged
> proto file) compatible across protobuf library versions? Will this
> always be guaranteed?
> Thanks.
If abcd.proto is unchanged and version 2.0.3 is bug free and version 
2.0.4 is bug free then saving with 2.0.3 libraries and loading with 
2.0.4 libraries will work.  Also, saving with 2.0.4 should let you load 
with 2.0.3 as well.

It is possible that the c++ class definitions change slightly, so the 
actual in-memory object may be different.  But the data should 
roundtrip, regardless of the computer language used.

If fields are delete from abcd.proto and/or non-required fields are 
added to abcd.proto then it should still let you load "old" data into 
the "new" format.  Removed fields get stored or dropped in a 
language-library dependent way.  New non-required fields will be unset 
and have their default values.  The only big difficulty is loading data 
that does have a fields declared as required by the current code.


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