On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 11:24 PM, Sunit Katkar <sunitkat...@gmail.com>wrote:

> 1) If we use Protocol Buffers, then will it be possible to communicate
> between servers over the HTTP protocol or do we need to write customised
> socket to socket communcation code?

Sure.  Protocol Buffers simply converts between structures and byte blobs;
it says nothing about how they are transported.  HTTP is just a transport;
it says nothing about the content.  So, there's no reason why you couldn't
transmit protocol buffers over HTTP.

> 2) Currently we use the Apache JAXB, AXIS, et-al for the WSDL SOAP XML RPC
> mechanism. Is there a RPC implementation for Protocoal Buffers, which we
> can use with Tomcat or WebLogic? Or do we need to write a RPC server
> ourselves? I prefer using an off the shelf commercial or a open source
> project. Saves a lot of time and money.

Google has not released any RPC implementation.  There are a few third
parties developing implementations, listed here:


But we (Google) did not write these and cannot vouch for them.

It should also be easy to integrate protocol buffers with any existing
transport that works with arbitrary binary payloads -- just use protocol
buffers to encode the payload.

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