Here's a basic .proto I'm currently using:

package levelFormat;

message vec3
    optional float x = 1;
    optional float y = 2;
    optional float z = 3;

message quat
    optional float x = 1;
    optional float y = 2;
    optional float z = 3;
    optional float w = 4;

message entity
    optional string type = 1;
    optional string name = 2;
    //! BUG
    // attribute #3 fails to save/load
    optional string script = 4;
    optional vec3 position = 5;
    optional quat rotation = 6;
    optional vec3 scale = 7;

message level
    repeated entity entities = 1;

Notice how I skip attribute #3 - if I used attribute #3, it would fail
to load.  Meaning, if I used has_script(), it would return false (even
though I clearly saved it via set_script("blah") previously).  I
previously had the same trouble with the type/name of the entity
message, but it seems I've found some magic combination of attribute
numbers that currently work.

I tried to update my "level format" by abstracting some things away -
for example, script/position/rotation/scale go in their own message,
which is an optional field of the entity message.  However, after
saving 2 entities in level::entities, the script fails to load (again,
has_script()).  I cannot quite figure out what is going wrong... any

PS. is there a reason the compiler turns camelCaseFields into
noncamelcasefields, but messageNamesAreStillPreservedWithCamelCase?
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