Hi there,

I'm developing an app in C++ and I use PB for lots of things. I'm also
in an environment that requires me to make sure the code passes very
strict warning levels. I found out when I started using them that PB
didn't include the _unknown_fields_ or any of the repeated field
containers in the member initialisation list. This resulted in me
having warnings all over the place (of the **should be initialized in
the member initialization list** sort), so I amended the
cpp_message.cc method

void MessageGenerator::GenerateInitializerList(io::Printer* printer)

to include the following line:       printer->Print("_unknown_fields_

and all the cpp_*_field.cc files to include initialisation for the
repeated files with:

void RepeatedEnumFieldGenerator::GenerateInitializer(io::Printer*
printer) const {
  printer->Print(variables_, ",\n$name$_()");

This was enough up to version 2.0.3. I now see that version 2.1.0 has
removed the initialisation of members from the constructor altogether.
I was wondering what the rationale for that had been, because I've
read that not doing that initialisation can be very harmful.

Thanks a lot.

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